rss - Photography

Rahuladu / Serenity storage


Koos töönädala lõpuga kaob laohoonete vahelt sagimine, autode müra ja masinate rütmiline kolksumine. Selle asemele tuleb kummaliselt rahulik olek, kostub vaid ühtlane vaikne mühin ja vareste kraaksumine. Autod ei vuhise mööda ja elu rajoonis seiskub täielikult. Viimasest puhkepausist paigale jäänuna ootavad lauad ja toolid koos suletud väravatega uue nädala algust.
As the workweek ends the busy atmosphere, the rhythmic clanking of machinery and the constant noise of passing cars disappears. They are replaced by an odd serenity, the only sounds are a quiet distant hum of some machine and the occasional cawing of the crows. The cars no longer whiz past and the life in the district comes to a halt. The tables and chairs stand as they were left at the last smoke break, waiting, along with the closed gates, for the beginning of a new week.

Creative Commons License